Updated May 26, 5:30 p.m.
Safer at Home Order Frequently Asked Questions for Businesses
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
The County’s “Safer at Home” Health Officer Order (Order) was amended on May 8, 2020. The Governor’s Order allows counties, like ours, to retain more restrictions in their Health Officer Orders than in the statewide Order, where, as in Los Angeles County, the effects of COVID-19 on the community require such additional restrictions. The County’s “Safer at Home” Order and additional guidance documents, including a general FAQ about the Order, and information about what the Order means for individuals, can be found on the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 webpage: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/
See also: Safer at Home Order: Examples of What’s Open in Los Angeles County
Examples of public sites that are open and temporarily closed under the Safer at Home Order. If the State or a City has different rules, the strictest rule applies.
Apply for Temporary Retail Pickup Parking Zone
City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation
The City of Los Angeles, Department of Transportation has expanded its pickup zone program so that any retail shop in the city can reserve a parking spot right out front for customers to pick up their orders.
Counties Statewide Can Reopen Places of Worship for Religious Services with Restrictions
State of California Department of Public Health
Modifications Required to Protect Californians against COVID-19. Places of Worship Should Limit Attendance to 25% of Total Capacity or a Maximum of 100 Attendees.