Updated Thursday, April 30, 5 p.m.
Supervisor Barger directs action plan to ease Safer at Home orders and safely reopen Los Angeles County
Los Angeles County Supervisor 5th District, Kathryn Barger and Supervisor 1st District, Hilda Solis
Supervisor Kathryn Barger authored a motion that guides the directors of Public Health, Health Services, Mental Health and other appropriate departments to develop an action plan detailing measures needed to contain COVID-19 and outlining the prerequisites for relaxing the Safer at Home Public Health Order. This motion, co-authored by Supervisor Hilda Solis, was unanimously approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
Daily Update from L.A. County Department of Public Health
LA County Announces New Countywide Economic Recovery Task Force
Los Angeles County Supervisor 2nd District, Mark Ridley-Thomas
Amid the pandemic, Los Angeles County is making an unprecedented effort to assist small businesses and individuals experiencing financial hardships. In direct response to the COVID-19 economic challenges, the Board of Supervisors approved a motion co-authored by Supervisors Barger and Solis to establish the Economic Recovery Task Force that would design, coordinate and execute a Comprehensive Economic Recovery Plan.
Supervisor Barger introduces Los Angeles County Roadmap to Economic Recovery
Los Angeles County Supervisor 5th District, Kathryn Barger and Supervisor 1st District, Hilda Solis
Supervisor Kathryn Barger introduced a motion, co-authored by Supervisor Hilda Solis and unanimously approved by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, that outlines the framework for economic recovery and development in Los Angeles County following the COVID-19 pandemic.
City of Los Angeles Announces Small Business Emergency Loan Program
Eric Garcetti – Mayor of Los Angeles
In light of the sweeping impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our small business community, the City of Los Angeles has announced a microloan program to support our local, community businesses.
Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti announces partnership to acquire 24 million N95 masks for first responders, medical community
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Logistics Victory Los Angeles (LoVLA.org) have signed an agreement with Honeywell to purchase 24 million N95 masks as part of a city stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE).